Create your own DNSsec server with bind What is a DNS? A Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed service for associating an Internet domain name with its IP address(es), as well as with other records. There are four types of DNS servers. The recursive DNS resolver, which sends queries to the other three types of DNS servers and sends the IP address of the domain to be searched. The root DNS server, which finds the IP address of the top-level domain....

April 23, 232312 · 8 min · 1552 words · Onsager


April 14, 141412 · 0 min · 0 words · Onsager

About Me

April 13, 131312 · 0 min · 0 words · Onsager

Static website on IPFS

How to create a static website on IPFS ? We will create a static site using Hugo, then make this site available via IPFS using two methods: IPNS DNSLink (domain name required) Once the IPFS daemon is installed and configured so that the gateway can only provide pinned content, we will use Nginx as a reverse proxy on our gateway. Finally, we will use certbot to obtain a certificate via Let’s Encrypt....

April 13, 131312 · 7 min · 1429 words · Onsager